Tecb-Buzz BD

I lost you today for my mistakes, I'm alone now.

Niloy: Do not tell you not to talk to other boys ..!
Mim: They've been reading my friend 4-5 years together.
Niloy: After you forbidden, I do not speak to a girl .... You talk to your daughter friends
Say no problem ...
But the boy will not talk to friends, I do not like it, I can not bear it.
Mim: I do not like what you like about me .....
In addition to my personal life I can not avoid
Niloy: What .... !!! ... ????
Your other personal life without me .. !!!
I'm your husband, I do not have the right to say anything to you ... ???
Mim: Do not let more rights!
Nilaya: Sorry, I have been wrong to forbid you, apologize, forgive me, please.
Niloy was very upset when she heard the words of MIM. Niloy did not even imagine that he would say or say Mim
Unknowingly, a few drops
Tears flowed into two chicks ... Mim loves to take a lot
Mim: What do you think about sleeping?
You see ...... ???
Niloy: Well Mim ... !! Take hold of me
No ... can stay without me .... ???
Mim: Why do you go ..... ??
Niloy: Do not believe that people do not have it, when it does not say anything ... !!
I can be alone without me .....
Mim: What are you talking about ..... ??
Sleep now
Niloy: Do you remember me ... ???
Mim: Do not miss anything.
Niloya: I am not worthy of you ... ??
Mim: I do not like this any more ......
Sleep also, do not say a word.
Mim fell asleep and turned back.
Mima could see the eyes open in the morning
Niloy is looking at him,
The eyes of Neil have turned red, it is clear that Niula did not sleep at night.
Mim: Do not sleep all night ... ???
Nilaya: Hmm, I'm sleeping ... I got up a little earlier.
Niloy: Why do not you come before me today .. ???
Niloya: Not really ...
Neil never quits with Mimi, no matter what that matter.
But Mim realized that Niula was lying ... Nilaya did not sleep all night.
When Neilay leaves every day, a kiss comes out on the forehead of Mime.
Kiss today twice, others
The day goes sunny, silent today silent, the water in the eyes is fluttering.
Niloy: Jai Babu .... (came back a few steps back and forth)
Mim: What have you left ..... ???
Niloy: No ....
Mim: But .......
Neil was caught by Mim without saying anything
Kissed on the forehead and said, "Laxmi!"
Niloy can not control himself ...
Nilaya came without saying anything else,
Mimar eyes water ... Mim wonders what is the nilai ..... ??? He is not like that ..... !!
Mimi is very well known to Nilay, love
They have been married.
Studying less than Niloye Meem, Mim Wao and Niloy are a little black on the face.
But Mim knew he had his own
Loves more than
Niloy told Mim many times
Am I worthy of you ...?
Mim said in the north: Neighborhood ... !! Love is not with the ability or appearance, you will not say these things.
Many of Mim Nilay agree
They did not want to argue.
Neilai did not say anything, no matter what the force did, the rate would have been accepted ....
Mim got a note after fixing the bed .....
Nilayer's writing .......
Babu is suffering without you.
There is much more to meet or talk to someone else with you
The hardships that I can not tolerate.
I tried to bring you back but I failed.
Maybe I have no value now
to you......
Where i am your husband
I did not get any price, so I'm going away ............
From today you are free, pearl
You give me
When Babu remembers me, look at the stars in the sky ...
The most brilliant they tie me,
You will see from a distance,
I will talk with my babu
Stay lucky, be good "
Along with the call of Nilay's mobile phone
Mim but mobile got off
Mim can not understand what will happen.
Niloy is much more than the other boys
Called to all of Mim Family
Everyone is getting off the nilai number .... !!
Mim is crying for a while, everyone is going to find Niloya, but Nilay is not available anywhere.
After 4-5 hours, Niloy's body was reported to the hospital ...... !!!
Neilay died in a road accident.
Mim became stone, the sky fell on the head of Mim, Mim knows it is not an accident ...
Neighbors are killing.
And responsible for this
Mim can not forgive yourself,
Mimi understands his mistakes,
Hough moans crying ...,
For her some minor mistakes she is today
Lost the love forever for the people ...
Mim thousand wants and Nilayake and Nilayake
Can not bring back ...
Mim is sitting on the rooftop to sit down on the roof and talk to Niula.
Going to the rooftop is the brightest side
Looks and speaks .....
"Babu how are you leaving me" ... ??
Babu I do not talk to anyone now.
Believe me, please forgive me, just tell you I'm just your baby.
I have given you a lot of trouble, do not you .... ??
Babu, I do not understand, forgive me,
I'm very rotten, very bad so baby ..... .........
what you say.?? My baby is not bad or bad ..... ???
Hmm, I lost you today for my mistakes, I'm alone now.
In this way, Mim speaks with herself as she herself is with herself.
Mim is shown as a doctor, slowly
Slowly mim is somewhat normal.
When I am afternoon, go to the roof

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